World Wide Dream Builders Review - Amway in Disguise?

mlm programs
World Wide Dream Builders Review

Escaping the 9-5 drudgery of a regular day job is a dream many of us have. There are many online opportunities out there that promise to make that happen. World Wide Dream Builders is an MLM that was created by the owners of Amway to help their Amway distributors become more successful. In this World Wide Dream Builders review, I’ll explain how it works and if this type of business can help you escape your day job.

What is World Wide Dream Builders?

World Wide Dream Builders is a LLC (licensed limited company) created to assist Amway distributors in building their success. The World Wide Dream Builders is made up of very successful Amway distributors. The company was founded by Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos in September 1995 and is headquartered in Michigan. They currently have an A+ rating with the BBB (Better Business Bureau).

Are World Wide Dream Builders Worth Their Price?

World Wide Dream Builders main objective is to help Amway distributors succeed in selling Amway products. So let’s take a look at Amway products.

Amway products include personal care, home care, nutrition and beauty products. For example, the first product was a nutritional product called Nutrilite. This product was developed by Carl F. Rehnborg in the 1930s and sold as a vitamin and mineral supplement in the form of a powdered drink.

But Nutrilite was not without its problems. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) confiscated Nutrilite shipments in 1948 because of false advertising that the product would cure diseases. The most recent problem was in 2009 when Nutrilite energy bars were recalled due to a potential salmonella contamination. The FDA tracked the salmonella outbreak to a peanut butter company. Ok, so maybe this was a long time ago and Amway fixed the problem. But here’s what you need to know:

According to the FDA:  “FDA is not authorized to review dietary supplement products for safety and effectiveness before they are marketed.”

It is the responsibility of the manufacturers and distributors to ensure that any dietary supplements are safe before they are sold in the open market.

This particular product and other Amway products can also be purchased on Amazon so there’s no real need to purchase through an Amway distributor. The price for Nutrilite is comparable between the two sites. The Amway site is selling Nutrilite for $54.00 for 450 grams which works out to be 0.135/gram. Amazon is selling Nutrilite for $40.00 for 200 grams which works out to be 0.2/gram.

No matter how much your customers may love these products you must know that they are not FDA approved and the FDA are not required or authorized to review these products before they go to market.

So what happens if your customers have a reaction to a product? Whether it’s an Amway product or any other product? How will this affect you as a distributor? Any products you sell that cause a reaction or do not do what they are marketed to do, will affect your bottom line and how much you can make. Likewise, it will also affect the sales of your downline distributors which will also circle back to your potential income.

The World Wide Dream Builders Opportunity

The main mission of the World Wide Dream Builders is to provide education, motivation, opportunity, and training to IBO’s (independent business owners) which are their Amway distributors.

How Much Does It Cost To Join World Wide Dream Builders?

According to their Terms and Conditions, there are two tiers of memberships available. One is a $5.00 per month membership which gives you very basic features. The $49.95 per month subscription gives you access to everything the service has to offer.

Can You Make Money With World Wide Dream Builders?

The multi-level marketing business model is based on distributors not only selling products but bringing other people onboard to sell products thus creating a downline. You, as the distributor, are the upline. But you are also in someone’s downline--whoever brought you in. Anyone you bring on is in your downline. You receive commissions on any products you sell yourself as well as a portion of the commissions through any products sold by your downline distributors.

Multiple Levels

There are 22 levels in the Amway Reward system in addition to pins and plagues. The first award is a Silver Producer. You can work your way all the way up to Founders Crown Ambassador. Each reward may also include cash bonuses and other rewards.

The only way you make any real money here is by creating a downline by recruiting distributors. The MLM business model is a very fluid model because you have to consider that distributors will come and go based on how successful they are. So you could end up in a constant state of recruiting new people for your downline and selling very little product yourself.

In order to qualify for commissions, you need to have a certain number of people in your downline. You will also need to have a qualifying number of sales in order to earn any performance bonuses which are issued each month. So your income will depend on sales and recruitment.

Basic Commissions

In order to qualify for any commissions at all you will need to personally sell enough products to earn 100 PV (personal value). Each product is given a PV. For instance, according to my research, the product with the highest PV at the time of this writing is Nutrilite Siberian Ginseng with Ginkgo Biloba. This product has a PV of 36.86. In order to qualify for commissions, you would need to sell at least three of these. Other variables include the products you buy for your downline. These products and their corresponding PV also factor into your commissions. With only 100 PV, your commission percentage is 3%. So the 100 PV would translate to $3.00. Anything under 100 PV would not qualify for commissions.

Federal Trade Commission

The Amway commission structure didn’t sit well with the FTC (Federal Trade Commission). Based on this decision, Amway was charged with being deceptive about how much money a person can make with the promise of “substantial income…” among other charges.

Pros of World Wide Dream Builders

  • Training Courses
    Targeted training courses designed to help you succeed. The courses are available in five different languages and the course topics include business essentials, product knowledge, making money and selling.
  • In-Person Learning
    Your upline distributor will help you get started by providing a PowerPoint presentation with videos.
  • Podcasts
    You can access the training at your convenience by listening to podcasts

Cons of World Wide Dream Builders

  • Product Complaints
    There have been reports of problems with products such as shampoo that turns your hair brown as well as complaints about other products.
  • Distributor Complaints
    There are many complaints from newly recruited distributors that have been asked to stop using their own personal products and buy Amway products instead.
  • Products Are Not Exclusive
    Amway products can be purchased on Amazon so they are not exclusive. This means there’s no scarcity of product which could make these products more difficult to sell.
  • What Nobody Talks About
    If you are a distributor and place an order for products, you have to pay the shipping. That’s a hidden cost to you that no one talks about! If you don’t qualify for commissions yet, you could actually be out of pocket before you even make a sale.
  • Misrepresentation Lawsuit
    Amway was sued back in 1994. The allegations include price fixing, misrepresentations around Amway’s affiliations, and misrepresentations around potential incomes. Amway wanted to settle this class action lawsuit but the plaintiffs wanted a jury trial. The final outcome is unclear.

Is World Wide Dream Builders A Scam?

World Wide Dream Builders may not be a scam necessarily. The fact that it’s an MLM business model means that in order to make money you are going to have to hustle! You’ll have to bring people onboard and hope that they succeed because your success will depend on their success.

Final Thoughts

One thing that really has me puzzled is why did Amway find it necessary to create a new company dedicated to ensuring the success of their Amway distributors? It’s the only MLM company I’ve come across that operates like this. No other MLM company created another company that provides training and education to ensure their distributors succeed.

There’s a lot of reasons why you should avoid this particular opportunity. If you are really motivated to sell these types of products, you could possibly do well here. But if you really want to create your own business, check out my #1 recommendation for building an online business. You’ll get plenty of support, hosting and training for free.

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